Dominique Brits (ONLINE)

Co-parent Life Coach

My name is Dominique Brits
I'm a Family Life Coach

What to expect on your journey

Grow as a parent

The Parenting Toolkit for Achieving Successful Communication, Cooperation and Connection with Your Child

Grow as an adult

Parent Coaching helps you find your path to more connected relationships in your family.

Grow as a professional

I can help you chart your own career path and achieve your ambitions. With my expert advice and guidance, you'll be on the right track in no time!

As featured on

Mom and Teen ambrace with Life Coach Dominique Brits

Parenting is hard, but it doesn't have to be impossible.

You can be the parent you want to be AND have a career.
Dominique Brits is a parenting life coach who is committed to bringing tools of communication, connection and peace to the world. I was driven by a deep desire to bring these tools to my own family first (I will help you do the same) When we do this, you get inspired and start to see change in people's lives all around you. Both personally and professionally!
When you work with a professional Parenting Coach, you can change the future for your children. You will be able to give them the skills they need to be successful without using power-over dynamics. Many families all over the world want these skills.
Change the course of your child's life today.
Many parents know that they want to parent differently than they were parented. But they don't know how. That's where we come in. I can help you figure out what works best for you and your family.
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