Dominique Brits (ONLINE)
Dominique Brits Life Coach in Johannesburg, South Africa

Families Programme

Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Family

Family is the most important thing in life

I am a Family-Centred Life Coach who has been helping people around the world for over 20 years. I know that there are many things you can do to strengthen your family, whether it's with your spouse, children, or even friends. With every new day comes an opportunity to take steps towards building stronger bonds with those you love and care about most. The goal is to help you become aware of simple ways to strengthen your family so that you can get back into living your best possible life with them again.
The Connection – 6 weeks online journey

Strengthening Families Program – 6 weeks online group journey
When - 19h30
How - Online (Zoom)

What would it mean for you to connect with your family fully?

To have clarity, powerful connection and joy in your home?

What would it mean to understand, appreciate and impact each other as a family?

To have the tools to fully be involved with each other. To navigate past hurts and pain and be able to communicate clearly and effectively, instead of not knowing what to say because of shame and embarrassment.

What would it mean to you to be fully present, to surrender to feel so much contentment and peace?

When you're supported and nourished, your reality transforms. Imagine what it would be like to decide each day how to care for yourself in a way that allows this kind of change?

What would it be worth to you to have a supportive group who understand where you are, hold you in your moments and believe in your success as you step into a new phase of Communication.

What would it be worth to you to find a community who are on this journey with you.

For me – I really wanted this. I was tired of feeling alone and thinking I was the only one going through tough times. My past, my pain, my fears and doubts stopped me from moving forward.

I had to accept that I was not perfect, but wanted the best for my family and myself. So I found mentors who helped me find some balance in life.

I finally accepted this truth after years of fighting against it.

Mentoring is hard work. It can be hard to find someone who has the same ideas as you and also wants to spend time with you. They should also be teachable, so that it's not too easy for them or difficult for you.

I started making choices to shift my daily reality. I have been investing over R100 000 in programmes, healings and education.

The last few years have been such an adventure for me- one that has taken me from being married with two kids, working two jobs to working from home and home schooling my daughter so we can spend more time together. I've spent the last 4 years reinventing myself- deciding what type of work I wanted to do (after 16+years at another job)

Today, I confront my fears and embrace all learning's. My relationship with my husband and children are deep and authentic. We are true, honest and real. We are not perfect, but we are forever growing.

And I want others to have this knowing, these tools. This support. Which is why I have created The Communication – a 6 week online journey to come home to yourself and to your family. To open your capacity to receive maximum joy, abundance, peace, appreciation, impact and love.

Over R8000 worth of mentoring, workbook and games offering you the biggest emotional and mental support. For R2999.

I can’t describe how much these methods and practices have change my life and I am so excited to share them with you.

All I can do is take you by your hand – those of you who are ready – and come with you on this journey.
Let’s create your home together.

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