Dominique Brits Life Coach in Johannesburg, South Africa

Family-Centered Life Coach and Mentor

Collaborating with families to find their inner voice

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What is Life Coaching?

Ever since it became trendy to bill yourself as a life coach, there have been many misconceptions about what it is that the job entails. Life coaching is more than getting people to learn to develop better organisation skills and motivation but is meant to help you achieve and exceed your current goals.
We improve lives by enhancing people’s self-confidence first. A certified coach will help guide you towards your next ambitions, as well as helping you find which skills to develop the most.
Continue reading to learn what makes a certified life coach a welcome addition to anyone’s day-to-day life, from housekeepers to CEOs. And for more information about life coaching courses, you can look forward to a follow-up blog post shortly.
Children easily meditate in their own way in Nature

Not All Life Coaching Courses Are Legitimate

Anyone in town can consider themselves a local life coach Johannesburg service provider, but unless they took certified courses, it is little more than marketing. Some people confuse the term with personal trainers, wellness instructors, or similar professions, but unless they can provide proof of completion, they aren’t an actual coach.
Like any required career training, the cost of completing these life coaching courses remain comparable with many college and universities. When someone has undergone the correct coursework and obtained their licensing, you know that they are an ideal source of solutions for your life.

Unless they offer proof that they have completed the necessary education hours, they may not be a career coach. Make sure that you complete enough research before hiring one for your needs

What is the Average Life Coach Salary (South Africa)?

Most people that get into the industry believe that after a couple of full-time clients, they’ll be set to retire. However, like many service careers, the initial pay leaves room for improvement.
Unless you achieve a significant following, usually from releasing books, audio tapes, videos, and other media products, the typical life coach salary South Africa runs about R20,000 a month plus. On the upper end, after you’ve made a name for yourself and get invited to talk shows, you can look forward to something closer to R80,000 plus.

For someone who has just started professionally, you’ll likely begin earning somewhere around R450 an hour. And if you can prove yourself as the next Tony Robbins, you can ask for R2500 every hour without your clients batting an eye.
Children show energy shifts after life coaching for kids
teenage life coaching

Most Clients are Managers

While some may see a local life coach Johannesburg professional and think that they mostly babysit adults, many clients come from the business world. Either the same old beliefs about running a company from the 1980s has finally worn out their usefulness, or they know that they can improve their skills, many managers turn to us.
The problem with life management techniques provided by other CEOs and managers is that it continues to focus on productivity, creating more stress for yourself in the end. Much of what a coach focuses on is clearing mental clutter away while helping you to focus on personal growth and goals.
By incorporating more of the human side of working with others, as well as pushing aside everything that distracts you from goals, you can continue your professional journey with renewed sight. If you’ve toyed with the idea of hiring a coach for your office or for yourself, you will discover a world of difference by choosing us.

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Your first meeting is to see if if the path forward works for both of you
+27 11 595 4866
Reflect when you feel stressed

Life Coach for other's

Life Coaches have the ability to bring out greatness in another person. They help others find power, purpose and passion with a plan for the next step. A life coach can apply this in all areas of a persons life, perhaps health, spiritually or in relationships too. I fantastic life coach always inspires and motivates their clients. A life coach knows that all the answers you seek are in you. Your coach will quickly know how to bring those answers out.

In life love and support is always needed. A life coach helps you thrive in life and it could be financially, personally or professionally. The space a life coach operates in is safe and encouraging. A life coach is always honest and has the ability to listen, that is very rare today.

Alternative methods of healing, health and wellness are researched everyday. Life coaching is now needed more than ever.

Finding a Free Life Coach Session

If a coach makes you feel pressured about signing up, they may not be a certified expert. Most service providers want you to feel comfortable with continuing to use them, so they likely will offer you a free life coach session.
It’s crucial for both sides to know that they will work well together and that the coach can guide you from the start to the end of your path. If things feel off or “wrong” during the first session, then it’s for the best that you didn’t pay for it.
A free initial session is as crucial for the coach as it is for the client, and if it isn’t an option, you may want to reconsider. Life coaching should improve your life and reduce stress, not add more to it.
Lifestyle Coach
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